Computing Resources
We provide the processing and storage hardware needed to support your research.
We partner with U-M Advanced Research Computing (ARC) to provide secure, HIPAA-compliant computing and storage resources FREE for our members.
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High Performance Computing | Data Storage | Genetic Data Analysis Tools | GitHub Data Repository
For more information, contact:
Cinzia Smothers, Director, Digital Health Data Solutions
High Performance Computing
Secure Enclave Services
The Secure Enclave Service (SES) is the university’s private cloud environment. It provides a web-based Interface for users to securely host and analyze de-identified research data. SES is a Windows-based application accessible by virtual desktop machines and servers.
Armis2 is a Linux-based HIPAA-aligned High-Performance Computing (HPC) cluster. With the Turbo Research Storage, this is a secure, scalable, and distributed computing environment. Analysis tools such as RStudio, MATLAB, and Jupyter Notebooks are available on this computing platform.
“I cannot overstate how important it is to have GPU computing resources available within a HIPAA aligned environment. We used these resources from Digital Health Innovation to safely test LLM locally with patient data. Remarkably, Digital Health Innovation provides these computational resources for free, which has been essential for advancing my work.”
Mike Sjoding, MD, MSC
Associate Professor of Internal Medicine
For more information, contact:
Cinzia Smothers, Director, Digital Health Data Solutions
“The Digital Health Innovation team helped me find secure storage for my project. They were friendly and responsive to all my needs”
Jean Morrison PhD
John G Searle Assistant Professor, Biostatistics
School of Public Health
Data Storage
HIPAA-Aligned Turbo
Turbo is a high-capacity, reliable, secure, and fast storage solution that enables investigators to store and access data needed for their research.
For more information, contact:
Cinzia Smothers, Director, Digital Health Data Solutions
Genetic Data Analysis Tools
Encore is a self-serve, web-based analysis tool for running genome-wide associate studies (GWAS). Researchers can run GWAS in a point-and-click interface without the need to directly manipulate or “touch” the genetic data.
“Encore was the perfect product to help me analyze the genetic data I’ve been working on. I was amazed to find such a great product to be free to use!”
Nick Douville
Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology and Program Director, Anesthesiology, Medical School
For more information, contact:
Cinzia Smothers, Director, Digital Health Data Solutions
“The Digital Health Innovation team is improving the usability of resources like the GitHub repository by getting input from users like me.”
Winston Chen
Graduate Student Research Assistant, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
College of Engineering
Data Repository
GitHub is a cloud-based service that helps developers store and manage their code as well as track and control changes to their code.